Pain and Suffering

I think the artsy folks under rate physical pain a lot. I mean all that melancholy. Okay, if you were a prisoner of war or something, then you would know what you were talking about. I get it. But I don't... somehow, these vicarious pains don't seem genuine. You have a broken heart, or the convoluted ways of the life unsettles you, or its stagnancy makes you suffer, alright. You have such boredom in life that you wish that something exciting happens, you wish for something romantic, even if it had some pain attached to it. Ah but that can't be pain! Pain would be something that you would not want. No poet says that he wish he was tied in chains and tortured for hours. He says, says, he wants sufferings, usually that involves a broken heart, a beautiful scenery, some tears, and someone else dying. I mean obviously, that hurts too. But the only problem is that they so majestically say that that is the greatest pain one soul can suffer. It was obviously not for the non-orthodox at the time of Spanish Inquisitions. Or those who suffered in that brazen bull, they would have gladly tolerated the pangs of disprized love instead, I believe. And, yes, I guess I am being unfair, poets only say what they feel. It is all relative isn't it? Pain, suffering, happiness, taste. You would not know how great a chocolate tasted if you hadn't had it ever in your life. You would consider a candy to be of the greatest taste. And you would argue with people that that obviously tasted better than anything else. Some people find happiness in small things, some in bigger. And then again, small-big again is relative. So what do you do, what do you think or feel? If you don't think about it - by it I mean the feeling you get in a situation - if you don't think about it, then thats great. But if you do, what do you think? I really took it in a stupid direction. I mean really. Its all ruined now.

Ah, what can you do anyway, its not that you create your thoughts... can you? Again, I should stop writing now. Oh no, I remember, this is good. I read it somewhere, that some chap said, you cannot really create new thoughts in that you cannot know what was earlier unkown, or something like that, it would lead to some paradox or something like that. I forgot.


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