Time Travel
How do I start? What I want to say needs some prerequisite understanding for a layman. Not an understanding per se, only my mentioning and your reading would do. And by layman I mean one who has never before pondered over this subject. Anyone who has thought over this more than once is, I believe, an expert.
So the basic things first. Time is, as we all know, essentially a man-made thing, a human invention. It is just a label to a jar, a serial number to your excel sheet. I mean, the universe continuously changes its state, and this change, we call - the next moment. So we started keeping a count of it, and called it time. Assume that the universe consisted only of the room that you are sitting in. And there are only four indivisible particles that exist in this small universe and are placed in its corners. Slowly, they are moving towards the center. And you are keeping time of it, right. How can you travel back in time in this universe? You know, you just move these four particles where you saw them at the time you want to go back to. And voila! you successfully traveled back in time. The problem with the real universe is that it is infinite. So if you want to go back to the 18th century, all you have to do is put the pieces back as they were. This may seem trivial, but that is the only possibility. You have to come out of the illusion of this label of a time, of the infiniteness of the sequence numbers, and see that there is only one universe, not like a movie, there are no trails of the bygone instances of the universe. There is only one. From this point of view, time traveling doesn't seem anything but a trivial infinitely cumbersome task of arranging every indivisible element as it was. And also note, the term future is categorically insensible to this theory.
Now you are no more a layman, and I can take a slight leap. Not into absurdity, but over some tiresome explanations that some might give. So I take a leap and I, now, believe in time travel! Now I am a believer. And those disbelievers, I tell you, would put such number of arguments, saying that it is impossible. That it is paradoxical. For instance, if I invent a time machine, go into the past and kill my father, then I would not have been born to travel into the past and kill him in the first place. So that is that. And my people refute this through concept of parallel universe, that somehow when you travel back, you create a parallel different universe and the changes are done to that. I personally, find it highly narcissist. Believing that you, an individual in the infinite, can create a whole new another universe just like that. And ironically, it also makes your identity ambiguous. Which one is you, in the altered one or in the real one?
There is another argument that the disbelievers give, that why hasn't anyone from the future visited us till now. I heard someone refuting it, quite recently and quite refreshingly. He said, it works like a telephone system, you need the machine on both ends. So suppose if it is invented today, a person won't be able to go back into the past beyond today. But starting from today, people visiting us from future would be unremarkably commonplace.
But then again, what about the paradoxes and everything.
Now I give you a new theory, that I wanted to begin with. When are the paradoxes created? Answer, when you go back into the past and alter things in the present. Or, when you see the future and alter things in the present. I say, what if, that the only and only possibility is to see the past and to travel into the future (and not the other way round). None of the two cases results in a paradox. Think about it.
Aila! Deep deep deep. But I liked the explanation of the four particles. Never thought of it like that.