Children's Story 1

Once upon a time there was a full-stop. He was always sad because he did not have friends. Whenever he tried to be with some words, he caused distance between them. The words always felt that he was the reason for a sudden stop in their friendship. He could not fit in. He traveled many lines and many paragraphs to find home and friends, but all in vain.

One page, he met a comma. He was very interesting and they had much in common. Comma was also a bit eccentric and had few friends, but the words tolerated him. They let him in, and sometimes even the words made more sense with the comma between them. Finally full-stop felt that he had found a true friend and companion. But soon after, everyone - the doodles, the words, the numbers, the punctuations, began objecting. They said that they don't make sense together. That full-stop and comma together is against the grammar. They both were sad to part, but it had to be done. It was against the norms.

Full-stop had lost all his hopes, when out of sheer luck, he met The. The was very different from him, but as the saying goes, opposites attract. The said, "So lucky I found you! I was looking for a full-stop. You see, I am The, with a capital-T. I want a full-stop very desperately, or else people frown at me." Full-stop was filled with love for this rescuer. He lived happily with The for quite some time. But one day, The approached him with an anxious face. Full-stop asked her what had happened, if everything was all right. The said that it was one of those things which had both good and bad in it. The said, "It is my dream come true. A vacancy has appeared in a paragraph on the next page. They want a The. I am being offered to be the start of a paragraph! It is every The's dream!". Full-stop was visibly excited, and asked what was so bad about this news. She said, "Well, you cannot stay with me now, we would have to break our companionship. A paragraph cannot start with a full-stop and you know that you cannot come after me."

Heart-broken, full-stop didn't even wait to say good-bye. He thought it would be easier to just leave. He was walking from page to page, thinking about all the rules and grammar that governed our world. He wasn't angry. He just pondered over them, what use can be of the grammar. He could not come up even with a single one. But as he was walking, he stumbled upon two other full-stops. He was always happy to meet his own kind. He greeted them with a big smile and asked them if like him, they too were without home and friends.
But the full-stops said, "No-no, we are very happy together! We are on a journey! We are heading to the last page! In fact we met each other on this journey!"
"Oh, that is very far away. Why to the last page?"
"It is our dream. We have found the purpose of our life."
"In fact, we are looking for a third full-stop."
"What! Wow, really?"
"Yes, come join us, they need three dots together. They say it means something special. It is not that common, but they need it on the last paragraph of the last page. 'To end with', they say."
Excited and filled with joy, full-stop embarked on the journey with his new friends to find his new home...


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