Human Regression

The world makes less and less sense as each day passes, as we together, take another step towards our death. Less and less each day. It does sound cliche, but it is highly believable that we live in an age, era where humanity is actually regressing. And if you think about it, it does seem natural, and our history does tell us that civilizations have always taken steps back and forth, at different times, in different places of the world. Only now, with this connected world, we take these steps together, at least in a sense, not bounded by the geographic regions, but by the channels on our TV.
Anyway, before any further reading, keep this in mind, that we do regress and progress all the time, all throughout our history. So, if I now say, we are regressing, it should not come upon as a shock or a delirious imagination, or some pointless text to fill out some space.

Also, its not that the world is in a balance all the time, that there is always some good and bad in our society, and some people only focus on the bad, or somehow exaggerate it, or just not talk about the good because it is just boring. I agree, I guess with a feeling of faith, that yes, the world does keeps itself in a balance, that good and bad both exists, but you have to understand, that we too are living in a window of infinitely small time-space, smaller than the dx. And our whole life, even some of our generations can be lived in darkness, until there is an awakening, again, evident in our history. 

Now with that in mind, comes the question why? Why have we stopped thinking, for instance a thought that has more than two threads involved? Why is it so shocking a fact, that someone might have read a book, that someone can read, if one is so inclined, for instance, read Homer's Iliad. I agree, most of us would not want to read it because we might not be interested in Greek mythology, or whatever it says. We would like to hear stories and stuff about it, but not interested enough to read it. I get it. But what I not understand is, if someone is so inclined to know deeply about it, or for that matter, say interested in the works of Plato or Socrates, why would one rely only on Wikipedia articles or Youtube videos. Okay, these are easy accessible resources which summarizes everything nicely, I get that too. But what I really don't understand is why would a suggestion to read Iliad would come as shock to someone, or why would one be labeled as a pseudo-intellectual or a pretentious prick to make such a suggestion. The answer is not so important, as these question, but anyway, just for the sake of completeness, I think it might be due to, one of many other things, the burst of information and the implicitly imposed social etiquette to know about everything. And, "I don't know" is equivalent to an Idiot. Anyway, you would say all this is not so important, and does seem out of place in a context of humanity and its regression.

First the crime, then the punishment, then the comments of the criminal and the lawyers, and then the ban. All this, does pause you for an awful long time. And to say these are human beings, same flesh and blood.

I think this is the first time, I am writing because I need it, a cathartic kind of a process. None makes sense anymore. And S.K. is too busy to come and talk.

This generation has presumed too much, and taken everything as given (again may sound cliche, but it is true), everything seen for so long that taken as a priori, axioms. All the rights in democracy, all the decency in humanity and the justice in society. People think this is how it should be, that is why it is. They have forgotten, that it was a long and arduous process to reach this state. Lot of thinkers and doers involved, unkown sacrifices and revolutions and heroes, mentioned nowhere. 

People applaud, when a mob take law in their hand and punishes someone, kills someone by stoning or beating them. People say, there was a need to set an example, appreciate the fact, that mob did what it did. Now, I am not suggesting that I am against the act of mob killing a murderer or a rapist, (I might be, but I am not saying that right now). The mob, they were people attached to the incident, they were the people with heightened emotions, and anger in them. They did what they did. But reading Facebook posts of people celebrating the act scares me. Reading the word, "'alleged' criminal beaten to death", scares me. Reading the retarded words, like "this is true justice", brings in a mixture of feeling. Its just that, I am not sure if that is the solution.


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